Red Hat and IBM

Visual campaign and asset creation during the IBM acquisition

When Red Hat and IBM joined forces, we had a lot to communicate.

Initially, there was no real plan for a visual, internal campaign for the IBM acquisition. I approached leadership offering some ideas, centering around the copy, “We are (still) Red Hat.” They loved the initial ideas and pitch, giving me the green light to go make them.

Partnering with a photographer, we set about capturing photos of Red Hatters with a style that emulated an external campaign. The intention was to show our culture, the feelings that “we’re still us”.

These photos were used across a myriad of mediums, including the main website space and signs for our Day One experience (a beautiful walk over to the Raleigh convention center – along the way, we had activities and signs directing people).

My involvement

  • Branding
  • Collaboration
  • Creative direction
  • Copywriting
  • Design thinking
  • Design
  • UX / UI

Swipe to see the work (click to view larger):