
Platform (Product) Design and Brand Architecture

A B2B Health Tech company merging four software platforms into one.

ProviderTrust, a tech company focused on monitoring and verification for the healthcare industry, initially sought out a branding (messaging) and website overhaul.

The Need
During our Brand Architecture work, we uncovered their need for a one-platform approach. At the time, they had four software products, branded and designed in totally separate ways, sometimes serving the same clients.

From a user’s perspective, it was clear PT needed what felt like one platform. We pitched to them the need to consolidate and they accepted. Ultimately, it has become foundational for their company and product roadmap.

My team and I were brought in to collaborate with the ProviderTrust Product teams. The need: create a uniform experience for clients and users, by merging the four separate products into one unified platform.

The Process: Discovery + Design
After weeks of sifting through PT’s current products, a handful of initial meetings, and product demos, we gathered in Nashville to “Design Think” together. After two days of pouring through ideas, and challenging one another, we emerged we a solid plan for this new unified platform.

My team and I set about creating a structure for the new, unified product: information architecture, identifying key needs for product navigation and pages, interviewing and discussing with stakeholders about users’ needs, crafting user stories with the PT team, wireframing, and ultimately, hi-res prototypes.

My involvement
Personally, I lead all Product Discovery, crafting workshops to gather the information we needed, along with conversations with stakeholders regarding end user’s needs.

Users’ perspectives are core to my approach – part of my responsibility was to interview users of the current products.

The IA was handled collaboratively, with my Product Designer and I.

Wireframing was split between our team – each of us handling one of three main areas of the Product we were responsible for designing.

From there, I provided Creative and UI direction as my Product Designer and Visual Designer set about branding the visual elements of the platform.

My involvement

  • Product Design
  • Creative Direction
  • Design Thinking (Workshop leading)
  • UX / UI

See the work below (click to view larger):

Mobile screens: